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Monday 7 May 2012


Want a good place to just hang out and chill mates?? Maybe have a few cheap drinks and a bit of a dance?? Well, The Epping RSL and Hotel is the place to be. The RSL and the Hotel are located pretty much opposite each other, however it isn't a complete night without going to both places.

The best night for this is on a wednesday night. Many school and university students flock to the venue, to catch up with mates and even meet new ones. From personal experience, it is best to start at Epping RSL. The $3.50 drinks up until 11pm, will keep u drinking all night long. Also there is also an opportunity for you to gamble on various games including blackjack and roulette. Another great feature of the RSL is they have a big screen, and a few smaller screens, to show various sports on. One of their big events is State of Origin night. During nights like this they have many special offers to promote their RSL.  There is also some great music going on in the background, which allows you to get into the mood of dancing at The Epping Hotel.

After having a few drinks at The Epping RSL, it is essential that you visit The Epping Hotel. It consists of two floors. Upstairs is the place to sit down, relax and have a few drinks. Downstairs, aka Tracks, is known for its great music and dance floor. The techno beats playing allow for some made shuffling and gabbering whilst trying to impress a friend. The drinks, however, are a little more expensive but still remains a reasonable price.

Both The Epping RSL and Hotel are a personal favourite of mine as it allows me to catch up with old school mates and current university mates. I would highly recommend going there on a wednesday night, during school and university holidays, to experience this great location first hand!!


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