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Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Club

The Club is situated on Bayswatter road, in the heart of Kings Cross. Below Hugo’s, across the street from world bar, down the street from Trademark…Its safe to say “The Club” has its fair share of competition, yet it still manages to fill out week in week out, and deliver experiences to remember.

With its ghetto feel, and hip-hop dance floor it seems The Club attracts all types of people. The majority of these are young, around 18-25. The guy to girl ratio is also reasonably even with strict bouncers making sure of it. The Club has one dance floor, separated off by a mini-stage where women are encouraged to get up and dance on the poles, seductive dancing normally wins kudos with the guys ;)... The dance floor usually gets extremely crowded, but in a good way. There’s always people ready to have fun and with the DJ’s mix of the newest hip-hop and the classics we all know and love, the dance floor is easily one of the best in Sydney.

The bar is the usual bar in Kings Cross, extremely crowded yet it feels as though the drinks are watered down. For this reason i'd make sure to drink a lot during pre-drinks, or even spend an hour down at the sports bar before u enter the Club, just to save on the expensive drinks once you're inside. A few stylish couches are situated to the sides of the bar, where people can sit and talk…However the music levels don’t really allow for the easiest of conversations.

"The Club" has a great outdoor area. Its easy to get to, and despite getting quite busy, it always seems as though there's enough room (this could be due to the fact that if it is too busy you can easily walk outside and come back in as long as you've got a stamp.) The outside area does however consist of a lot of smokers, so if thats not your thing, I wouldn't recommend spending to much time outside. "The Club" also has a V.I.P room i have had the honour of attending. Its great if you're willing to spend the money. You get that private room feel, all to yourself (and friends long as you have some) yet you can also almost touch the dance floor and get into your groove right there.

Also if you were wondering, its quite easy to get into the Cross, a simple train ride to Kings Cross station and you’re on your way to an easy night and theres plenty of taxi's for when you want to go home.

Overall "The Club" is a great venue, it provides an atmosphere not many clubs can offer and the crowd it attracts only strengthens my argument of why you should give it a go. Undoubtedly you'll have a good night there :)


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