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Monday 30 April 2012

Gambling in SYDNEY!!

Australia! In my opinion a paradise on Earth, with over 22 Million people living harmoniously in this utopian multicultural society. New South Wales (NSW), is in the south-east part of the Australian continent and is the most populous and heavily industrialised State in Australia, with a highly urbanised population.
 An estimated population was 7,238,819, people call NSW their home which makes up approx. 35% of the population of Australia. In the heart of the capital city of NSW lies Sydney - with its iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge a famous tourist destination till this day.

Opera House/Harbour Bridge

Every Year thousands of tourist visit Australia, in particular Sydney to glimpse its magnificence and enjoy the best of what's on offer. A crucial ingredient to enjoying the Night Life of Sydney is GAMBLING!!!

7 TOP FACTS!!! =D 

  1. Australia has over 20% of the worlds gaming machines, around 200,000. New South Wales has over 95,000 poker machines, that's half of the machines in Australia and one tenth of the machines in the world. 
  2. New South Wales clubs and hotels make around 3.5 billion each year on gaming machines while the Australian casinos have an income of around 2.2 million dollars. 
  3. Stress, anxiety, boredom, depression and loneliness are just some of the things that motivate people to gamble to excess. Your Unhappiness = Our Profit :) 
  4. 38.6% of adult Australians play the pokies 
  5. In 2003 / 2004 gamblers lost $16.21 billion ($9.1 billion on pokies) 
  6. It is estimated that there are over 300,000 problem gamblers 
  7. The average player loses $380 dollars every year, while the the average addicted gambler loses $12,000 each year. 

So if you come to Australia, you have to try gambling. Who know's maybe you might just win? ;)

In the following posts, I will take you through the biggest 3 contributors to gambling in Sydney, RSL Clubs (Dooleys), The Star Casino and off course TAB.

Until next time, 

May the Odds be ever in your Favor!


Blog Design - Sydney Night Life

This post will discuss the design of our blog. It will explain what our blog will look like and how the design will help make navigating much easier. The dot points below summarise the design of our blog.

  • The design template we will use should be able to provide and offer readers an enjoyable and fulfilling experience whilst reading our blog. Making it 'easy on the eyes' is essential. Hence, it is important for us to create a blog that will be able to provide the readers with their needs and wants, whilst being user friendly.

  • The design colour of the blog should have a strong base and appeal boldly to the eyes of the readers, capturing the attention of the readers. However we must also ensure that you readers can still easily read the blog with no difficulty. The size of the fonts we use will be clear and well contrasted with the background, minimising any straining on your eyes. A variety of font colours will also be adopted to make the posts and our blog visually appealing.

  • The layout of this blog will be in a informative review layout, elaborating the various ways to enjoy your nights in Sydney :) However, instead of just copying-pasting info. from other websites, opinions will also be added in each post giving a personal insight on the topic discussed. 

  • Finally Links will be given to the various places along with pictures to help readers engage visually on the beautiful night life activities in Sydney.Comment on any of our posts are appreciated and will be used to improve further posts about the blog. 

  • In the near future, we are hoping to upgrade our blog by giving it a more interactive interface. With an addition of interactive slideshow of images of the various clubs, pubs and restaurants that we have experienced. These visuals will be effective in giving a strong depiction, and at the same time educating our readers by giving them a sense of what we have experienced. 

The Story board :)

We would like you readers to provide us with your public opinions and we would love to interact in real time through a chat box. Our published blog posts will allow readers to comment and share their opinions. A ratings system can also be put to use to rate our blogs. 

With all this in mind, we hope our readers enjoy their nightlife in Sydney.


Monday 23 April 2012

How to experience Sydney...We'll take you there

Ever find you don't know where to go? You wanna go out, but your sick of the same old stuff? You wanna try something new, but your afraid it won't live up to expectations?


This is a blog about the main attractions in Sydney. How to have fun. Where you should and shouldn't go, and how you should spend your nights out. We'll discuss the good experiences we've had, and the bad ones we'd rather forget. We'll discuss the dance floor, the crowd, the music, the drinks, the facilities and all you need to know about Sydney's most talked about venues.

We'll cover various locations including the must see clubs, the bars, the over extravagant restaurants and the gambling attractions our city offers. 

We'll cater to what you want, whether it be certain genres of music, a cheap night, a classy night, or just straight out fun. 

We will also discuss pre-drinking. The different attractions that you can visit through the week, and the type of crowd these venues hold.

Essentially were here to help you decide where to spend your nights :)
